

The new generation of dual-mobility cupLEARN MOREeast

Optimized primary anchorage

Intensity of the pressfit gradually concentrated from 36° until it reaches 1.2 mm at the equator.

The edges of the cup are chamfered and polished to reduce the risk of soft tissue conflict.

Intensité du pressfit proportionnelle à la taille de la cupule pour une sensation d’impaction identique quelle que soit la taille de la cupule implantée.

Enhanced head retention

  • Retention of the femoral head thanks to the geometry of the insert which is extended beyond a half-sphere.
  • The mobile insert acts as a very large diameter head providing more stability by increasing the decoaptation distance.

Combine mobility, stability and longevity

For the same cup size, the SERENITY® dual-mobility cup provides the patient with mobility with superior joint stability in large ranges of motion.

Interfaces optimized to control wear with the chamfers of the insert designed to increase the insert / femoral neck bearing surface.


Simplicity and flexibility of modern instrumentation

  • Ultra-compact with only one basket common to all the Symbios range of cups.
  • Simple thanks to the location of the instruments which are consistent with operating times.
  • Surgical flexibility with instrumentation suitable for all approaches.
  • The SERENITY® supplement for instruments with dual-mobility.

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