
Live life to the full again!

It’s time to get back to your old life

Talk to your doctor to find out if a prosthesis might be right for you.

A major decision for you

The fitting of a prosthesis is a major decision. It is perfectly normal to feel apprehensive. Our education program is designed to help you make your decision with confidence. It will provide you with additional information to that provided by your doctor, and will help you understand what a prosthesis is and how the surgery is carried out. We hope that this information will be useful to you to accompany your reflection and to take the first steps towards a return to your active life.

Non-surgical treatment options

Before your physician suggests that you have a prosthesis, you may be offered several treatment options to relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis:

  • Adapting your lifestyle (diet, physical activity) ;
  • Prescription of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs ;
  • Physiotherapy rehabilitation ;
  • Realization of infiltrations.

When these treatments are no longer sufficient to relieve your pain, it is certainly time to consider with your doctor the option of surgical treatment, which may involve replacing your diseased joint with a prosthesis.

Every year, more than 5 million hip and knee prostheses help patients around the world regain their mobility.

Talk to your doctor to find out if a prosthesis might be right for you.

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